################################################################################################################### # evo-Chat IRC BOT FOR MaNGOS Configuration File # ################################################## # irc.active # Enable evo-Chat Addon # Default: 1 - Enable # 0 - Disable # irc.active = 1 ################################################## # irc.icc # IRC connect code # Default: 001 - Welcome To Network msg # 375 - Beginning Of MOTD # 376 - End Of MOTD # irc.icc = 001 ################################################## # irc.host # IRC server to have evo-Chat connect to # irc.host = "irc.freenode.net" ################################################## # irc.port # IRC server port to use # irc.port = "6667" ################################################## # irc.user # The username to have evo-Chat use to connect to the IRC server # irc.nick # IRC nickname to be used by the bot # irc.pass # The password to be used to identify to NickServ (IRC NickName Enforcement Services) # irc.user = "evo-Chat" irc.nick = "evo-Chat" irc.pass = "MyDumbPass" ################################################## # irc.auth # IRC Authentication Method # Default: 0 - Disable # 1 - NickServ - Normal Method - PRIVMSG NickServ :IDENTIFY Password # 2 - NickServ - Alternate Method To Identify To A Different Nick - PRIVMSG NickServ :IDENTIFY irc.auth.nick Password # 3 - QuakeNet - Normal Method - PRIVMSG Q@CServe.quakenet.org :AUTH irc.nick Password # 4 - QuakeNet - Alternate Method To Identify To A Different Nick - PRIVMSG Q@CServe.quakenet.org :AUTH irc.auth.nick Password # irc.auth.nick # IRC Nickname to use if Auth method 2 or 4 is used # irc.auth = 1 irc.auth.nick = "AuthNick" ################################################## # irc.ldef # Leave a defined IRC channel on server connect # Default: 0 - Disable # 1 - Enable # irc.defchan # IRC channel to leave on server connect if irc.ldef is on # irc.ldef = 0 irc.defchan = "lobby" ################################################## # irc.wct # Time to wait before (re)attemptimg connection to IRC server # Default: 30000 - (30 Seconds) # irc.maxattempt # Maximum attempts to try IRC server # Default: 20 # irc.wct = 30000 irc.maxattempt = 20 ################################################## # irc.auto.announce # Time to wait in Minutes to announce random messages from database. # Default: 30 - (30 Minutes) # irc.auto.announce = 30 ################################################## # irc.autojoin_kick # Autojoin IRC channel if kicked # Default: 1 - Enable # 0 - Disable # irc.autojoin_kick = 1 ################################################## # irc.command_prefix # IRC command prefix # Example: (.)online all # irc.command_prefix = "." ################################################## # irc.joinmsg # irc.rstmsg # irc.kickmsg # evo-Chat bot join/restart/kick messages # irc.joinmsg = "Whhaaazzzzaaaa, evo-Chat $Ver Is Up And Running! Command Trigger Is: $Trigger" irc.rstmsg = "evo-Chat Is Restarting, I Will Be Right Back!!" irc.kickmsg = "Do Not Kick Me Again, Severe Actions Will Be Taken!" ################################################## # irc.chan_# # wow.chan_# # IRC and WOW channels to link. Leave # out of IRC channel. Both channels _ARE_ case sensitive # Example: irc.chan_1 = "Mangos" # irc.chan_2 = "mangos2" # wow.chan_1 = "world" # wow.chan_2 = "LookingForGroup" # irc.chan_1 = "mangos" wow.chan_1 = "world" ################################################## # irc.StatusChannel # Channel Number To Display Status Messages In (AuctionHouse, Levels, Deaths, Etc) # Default: 1 - Channel ID 1 # irc.AnnounceChannel # Channel Number To Display Announcements In (Announces, Notifies, Event) # Default: 1 - Channel ID 1 # irc.StatusChannel = 1 irc.AnnounceChannel = 1 ################################################## # irc.op_gm_login # Op The GM In All Channels The Bot Is On When They Log In To evo-Chat # Default: 0 - Disable # 1 - Enable # irc.op_gm_level # The Minimum GM Level Required To Have The Bot Op The User # Default: 5 - GM Level 5 # irc.op_gm_login = 0 irc.op_gm_level = 3 ################################################## # irc.ajoin (Experimental/Under Development) # Force players to autojoin a WOW in game channel # Atleast one player must be in the channel on server start, and atleast one person online for invite to work # Default: 0 - Disable # 1 - Enable # irc.ajchan # Channel to join if above is Enabled. # irc.ajoin = 1 irc.ajchan = "world" ################################################## # irc.online.result # Maximum number of results per line for the online command # irc.online.result = 30 ################################################## # chat.*** (Defineable Strings) (maybe more in future) # wow_* - String is displayed in IRC channel # irc_* - String is displayed in WOW channel # Options: $Name, $Level, $Msg, $GM (not all options work in every string) # chat.wow_irc = "[$Name($Level)] $Msg" chat.irc_wow = "[$Name]: $Msg" chat.join_wow = "12>>04 $GM$Name Joined The $Channel Channel!" chat.join_irc = "[$Name]: Has Joined IRC!" chat.leave_wow = "12<<04 $GM$Name Left The $Channel Channel!" chat.leave_irc = "[$Name]: Has Left IRC!" chat.change_nick = "<> $Name Is Now Known As $NewName!" ################################################## # Botmask # This defines what the bot announces, if its 0 everything is disabled # simply add the values of the elements you want to create this mask. # Example: WoW join/leaves are 1 and IRC join/leaves are 2, if you want both of these active then the BotMask is 3. # (1)Display WoW Chan Join/Leaves In IRC # (2)Display IRC Chan Join/Leaves/NickChanges In WoW # (4)Display Unknown Command Message When Trigger Is Used And No Command Exists # (8)Announce Security Level > 0 As GM At Login # (16)Announce GM In GM ON State AS GM At Login # (32)Return Errors To Notice. (If disabled then default is Private Message) # (64)Display WoW Status Messages (Levels/Deaths) # (128)Display Nick Changes From IRC In WOW # (256)Display WoW Announces/Notifies In IRC # (512)Do Not Let Players Use Commands On Higher GM Level Players # (1024)Enable AuctionHouse Announcements # Botmask = 1023 ################################################## # irc.gmlog # Minimum GM level to not show login/pass info in IRC logs # irc.logfile.prefix # The prefix of the IRC logfile. Directories can be added here. # Example: "IRC/IRC_" outputs IRC_YYYY-MM-DD.log to the IRC subdirectory in your logs dir # irc.gmlog = 1 irc.logfile.prefix = "IRC_" ################################################## # irc.fun.games (Experimental/Under Development) # Enable evo-Chat Games # Default: 0 - Disable # 1 - Enable # irc.fun.games = 0 ################################################## # irc.gm# # GM tag to append to (GM onjoin / online command) IRC color codes are acceptable # irc.gm1 = "[Moderator]" irc.gm2 = "[Game Master]" irc.gm3 = "[BugTracker]" irc.gm4 = "[DevTeam Admin]" irc.gm5 = "[SysOP]" ################################################## # End Of evo-Chat Config File # ###################################################################################################################